Experienced in full-stack development, database development and extension, writing and optimizing complex algorithms, experience of developing software with high mistake costs and high load.
Best practice of Open Source software customization, modification, reverse engineering and customer support.
Strong sides: responsibility, strong analytical architectural skills, creative algorithm thinking, sense of purpose, communications, fast diving into new projects.
Experience of being Team Leader and Project Manager on high load projects.
Zend, CakePHP, Smarty, jQuery, Bootstrap, Webpack, Redis, Mongo, SQLite, Fabric.js, Jira, Redmine, Agile/Scrum, Git, PHPUnit, Mocha
Brest State Technical University
Graduate, systems engineer
1993 –
Project description: Application for definition technical requirements of applications being developed at company, creating teams.
Responsibilities: Development and deployment frontend part of application, user interfaces creating.
Team size: 3
Technologies and Tools: Angular 7, NodeJS, IBM Bluemix
Project description: Social network for recipes and cooking. Android and IOS applications. API server.
Responsibilities: Backend (API, push notifications, services) and Frontend development (web site, admin panel), DigitalOcean deployment, documentation writing, common project driving.
Team size: 7
Technologies and Tools: PHP (Symfony 4), PostgreSQL, Angular 7, NodeJS
Project description: Netherlands apartments rent catalog. Admin part, microservices.
Responsibilities: Implementing new features, support, creating of test microservice, server side rendering, connection to the new billing system.
Team size: 5
Technologies and Tools: PostgreSQL, Node.js, React.js
Project description: Tax payment system for brokers in Germany and Switzerland. Reports forming automatically by connection to user accounts or data file manual uploading.
Responsibilities: Development of application frontend part, user interfaces creating
Team size: 7
Technologies and Tools: Angular 4
Project description: Internal management and tracker system for moving companies. IPad application for drivers. Sending contracts to accountant email, push notifications.
Responsibilities: Development and deployment frontend part of application, user interfaces creating, solutions for technical issues.
Team size: 3
Technologies and Tools: Angular 2, NodeJS (Loopback 2).
Project description: Communication and bonus system for exchange traders.
Responsibilities: Development of application frontend part development, user interfaces creation.
Team size: 4
Technologies and Tools: Angular 2